Dear Caddy…

I am considering conducting a factorial optimization RCT. However, I’ve been told that the factors have to be independent. Is this true? It seems to me that it would be pretty unusual for the components in an intervention to operate independently. Signed, Wondering in Wisconsin

Dear Wondering, Depending on what is meant by the term “independent,” read the full answer.  

Intervention Optimization’s 20th Anniversary

From the desk of Director Linda Collins: "In this commentary, I reflect on the evolution of intervention optimization from that first publication to today, and on what the future could hold if the intervention science field continues to adopt the optimization paradigm." Read more in the Annals of Behavioral Medicine.

Webinar Series

February 7th: “Is MOST still innovative?” and other reviewer questions

Our Spring 2025 Webinar Series is following a new Friday schedule. Join the CADIO team for an informative session where we’ll address some of the most common questions from reviewers. Have specific questions? You can submit them when registering, and we’ll make sure to cover as many as possible during the session.

All News

Dear Caddy…

Dear Caddy, I am considering conducting a factorial optimization RCT. However, I’ve been told that the factors have to be independent. Is this true? It seems to me that it would be pretty unusual for...

Dear Caddy…

Dear Caddy, How would you respond if, in a summary statement, one of the reviewers said that MOST can no longer be considered innovative? Sincerely, Asking for a Friend Dear Asking, This comes down to...

Further Learning

Whether you are looking for additional support as you prepare a grant proposal involving MOST or practical information helpful in managing your optimization trial, this section provides resources for a deeper dive into intervention optimization.

REDCap with Most

The goal of this manual is to show how one might setup a REDCap project to support a research study with multiple conditions, such as factorial experiments common in the Multiphase Optimization Strategy (MOST) framework.

Informal introduction to factorial experimental designs

The purpose of this page is to clarify some concepts, notation, and terminology related to factorial experimental designs, and to compare and contrast factorial experiments to randomized controlled trials (RCTs). A more in-depth introduction can...


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