We are thrilled to announce the launch of the Center for Advancement and Dissemination of Intervention Optimization (cadio)! This has been a long time coming, and many of you are long time MOST enthusiasts. We’re so grateful for your continued interest and support — we’re ready to take optimization to the next level with you!
Housed within the School of Global Public Health at New York University, the mission of cadio is to promote, catalyze, and support research involving intervention optimization. We will work to promote and support optimization of all kinds of interventions – behavioral, biobehavioral, biomedical, social-structural, and educational. We are working to establish a community of interdisciplinary scholars interested in the science and application of intervention optimization at NYU and beyond. We hope you’ll join this community, of course! You can start by signing up for our newsletter, which we will launch later this Fall! Our work will also focus on extending and enhancing methods of intervention optimization. And finally, we will continue our work to disseminate and provide training in current intervention optimization methods. If you have not already checked out our “Introduction to MOST” training available now on Coursera, please do! This course is free, and available to anyone interested in intervention optimization. Look for more online courses launching this year, too!
You’ll find more information about these efforts and more on our new website. Keep an eye out for announcements about upcoming trainings, webinars, and discussions with scientists with active optimization projects. And, if you’re not yet, please follow us on Twitter (@cadio_nyu) to get the latest news, find new publications, and connect with other optimization enthusiasts.
Our work spans the fields of public health, education, criminal justice, and others. So, whether you’ve been here a long time or only a short while, we’re glad you’ve found intervention optimization. You may also be interested in the work of our partners, the d3 center at the University of Michigan, specialize in adaptive interventions and experimental designs.
It is our not-so-secret goal to have intervention optimization be standard practice by 2030! We look forward to helping you get up to speed on intervention optimization, and then seeing how you apply intervention optimization to your own research.
Linda & Kate
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