Upcoming Webinars

April 4, 2025 | 1pm – 2pm

Adapting and testing a mental health services engagement program for racial and ethnic minority young adults

In this webinar, Dr. Kiara Moore from New York University will present her work using MOST to improve mental health services.

April 25, 2025 | 1pm – 2pm

E-cigarette support for smoking cessation: Identifying the effectiveness of intervention components in an online randomized optimization trial

In this webinar, Dr. Catherine Kimber from London South Bank University will present her work on smoking cessation.

May 2, 2025 | 1pm – 2pm

At the Intersection of Community-Engaged Research and Optimization Designs: The ADAPT HF Exemplar

In this webinar, Dr. Shena Gazaway & Dr. Rachel Wells will present their work on community-engaged research.

Past Webinars

March 7, 2025 | 1pm – 2pm (This Event Has Passed)

A case study in optimization decision-making: Using DAIVE to identify an optimized smoking cessation intervention that is effective and efficient.

In this webinar, CADIO’s own Dr. Jillian Strayhorn and Dr. Jennifer Cantrell from New York University will present their work using DAIVE.

Feb 21, 2025 | 1pm – 2pm (This Event Has Passed)

From preparation to optimization of implementation strategies: An application of MOST to increase HPV vaccination in Malawi

In this webinar, Dr. Corrina Moucheraud from New York University will present her work using MOST to increase HPV vaccination in Malawi.

Feb 7, 2025 | 1pm – 2pm (This Event Has Passed)

“Is MOST still innovative?” and other reviewer questions: Team CADIO Q&A.

Join the CADIO team for an informative session where we’ll address some of the most common questions from reviewers. Have specific questions? You can submit them when registering, and we’ll make sure to cover as many as possible during the session.

Nov 20, 2024 | 1pm – 2pm (This Event Has Passed)

Mechanisms mediating efficacy of treatment components of social anxiety disorder: a factorial mediation analysis

In this webinar, Dr. Rodrigo Lopes from University of Bern will present the methods and results of his OPTIMIZE research project.

Oct 9, 2024 | 1pm – 2pm EDT (This Event Has Passed)

Merging CBPR and MOST: Applications from the Illinois Critical Consciousness Collaborative

Dr. Liliane Windsor and collaborators from Critical Consciousness Collaborative (3C) will present their work on advancing methodological frameworks in multilevel intervention.

Sep 25, 2024 | 1pm – 2pm EDT (This Event Has Passed)

Applying the MOST framework in a large health system – a multi-level, cluster-randomized trial for PrEP in primary care

Dr. Liz Lockhart from Henry Ford Health System, will present her work on Preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP). She will discuss the development and implementation of multi-level components for both patients and providers and factors considered for cluster randomization.

Sep 11, 2024 | 1pm – 2pm EDT (This Event Has Passed)

StandUPTV: An optimized intervention to reduce sedentary screen time among adults

Dr. Sarah Kozey Keadle from California Polytechnic State University and Dr. Matthew Buman from Arizona State University will present their research on sedentary screen time (SST) among adults.

Apr 17, 2024 | 1pm – 2pm EDT (This Event Has Passed)

On different kinds of adaptive interventions and experimental designs to optimize them

Dr. Inbal Billie Nahum-Shani, Research Professor at the University of Michigan, will introduce the hybrid experimental design (HED), describe the key characteristics of HEDs, explain their scientific rationale, and provide guidelines for their design and corresponding data analysis.

Apr 10, 2024 | 1pm – 2pm EDT (This Event Has Passed)

Optimization of cascading and multilevel interventions: Challenges, new ideas, future directions

In this special edition webinar, Dr. Rebecca Walwyn, Associate Professor at the University of Leeds, UK will give an overview of trial designs that might be considered in the optimization phase of MOST when interventions involve a chain of components (e.g., training of therapists, treatment of patients) or when components are directed at multiple levels of a health or social care system (e.g., dental practices, patients).

Mar 27, 2024 | 1pm – 2pm EDT (This Event Has Passed)

Decision analysis for intervention value-efficiency (DAIVE) and cost-effectiveness analysis of multicomponent interventions: different tools for different decisions

Dr. David Vanness, Professor at Penn State, will give a background on the history of using economic evaluation methods to evaluate interventions and present the case that the DAIVE approach may offer advantages over traditional cost-effective analysis (CEA) as a decision-making tool in the optimization phase of MOST.

Feb 21, 2024 | 1pm – 2pm EST (This Event Has Passed)

Decision-making in MOST: application of the component screening approach and posterior expected value approach to optimize an information leaflet to support medication adherence

Sophie Green, Research Fellow at the University of Leeds, will talk about the optimization of an information leaflet aiming to support medication adherence in women with breast cancer.

Feb 7, 2024 | 1pm – 2pm EST (This Event Has Passed)

New recommendations for decision-making in MOST

In this webinar, Dr. Jillian Strayhorn, Associate Director of CADIO, will pitch the latest thinking on methods for selecting optimized interventions based on data from optimization RCTs, leaving time for questions and discussion among the CADIO leadership.

Jan 24, 2024 | 1pm – 2pm EST (This Event Has Passed)

Design Dilemmas Demystified – Application of the MOST Framework to a NIH-funded Career Development Award

In this webinar, Dr. Danielle Ostendorf, Assistant Professor at the University of Colorado SOM, will present the overall design and goal of her NIH-funded Career Development Award and walk through her decision-making process.

Dec 6, 2023 | 1pm – 2pm EST (This Event Has Passed)

Clearly MOST: Clearing up sources of confusion

In this discussion, CADIO Director Linda Collins and Associate Directors Kate Guastaferro and Jillian Strayhorn will address common questions about intervention optimization.

Nov 29, 2023 | 1pm – 2pm EST (This Event Has Passed)

Applying the MOST Framework to optimize the implementation of in-person, digital, and hybrid parenting programs in the Global South

Dr. Jamie Lachman, Senior Research and Training Fellow at the University of Oxford, will present on his use of MOST to pilot, optimize, and evaluate the Parenting for Lifelong Health program for young children ages two to nine years in Moldova, North Macedonia, and Romania.

Nov 15, 2023 | 1pm – 2pm EST (This Event Has Passed)

Optimizing a chatbot to facilitate mental health services use in individuals with eating disorders

Dr. Ellen Fitzsimmons-Craft, Associate Professor at Washington University School of Medicine, will present on her work using user-centered design to develop a chatbot to identify individuals with eating disorders and encourage services use.

Oct 11, 2023 | 1pm – 2pm EST (This Event Has Passed)

Conclusion-priority vs. decision-priority thinking

In this panel discussion, CADIO Director Linda Collins and Associate Directors Kate Guastaferro and Jillian Strayhorn will clarify when investigators should use a conclusion- vs. decision-priority perspective.

Oct 4, 2023 | 1pm – 2pm EST (This Event Has Passed)

Factorial trials of internet CBT

Dr. Edward Watkins, Professor of Experimental and Applied Clinical Psychology at the University of Exeter, will describe the design, findings, and lessons of a factorial trial examining therapist-supported internet-delivered cognitive-behavioral therapy for depression, along with future plans in this space.

Sep 27, 2023 | 1pm – 2pm EST (This Event Has Passed)

MOST as an implementation-forward approach to intervention development

Dr. Karey O’Hara, Assistant Professor at Arizona State University, will talk about the intervention design itself as an implementation determinant that often gets overlooked.

Sep 13, 2023 | 1pm – 2pm EST (This Event Has Passed)

Applying the MOST framework to develop a multi-component sleep intervention for children

Dr. Jonathan Mitchell, Associate Professor at the University of Pennsylvania, will discuss findings generated from an optimization trial focused on intervention components for childhood sleep promotion.

June 7, 2023 | 1pm – 2pm EST (This Event Has Passed)

Development and acceptability of m-oral health interventions for mothers: The preparation phase of the MOST framework

Merna Ihab, CADIO’s visiting scholar from Alexandria University in Egypt, will present on her intervention optimization work in the field of oral health.

May 17, 2023 | 1pm – 2pm EST (This Event Has Passed)

Using MOST to optimize intervention implementation: A factorial study to implement an intervention to improve engagement in child behavioral services

Dr. Emily Feinberg, Professor of Health Services, Policy and Practice at Brown University, will present.

May 3, 2023 | 1pm – 2pm EST (This Event Has Passed)

The doctor is in!

Drs. Linda Collins (Director) and Kate Guastaferro (Associate Director) will answer any of your burning intervention optimization questions!

Apr 24, 2023 | 11am – 12pm EST (This Event Has Passed)

Optimizing complex interventions in cancer control

In this special edition webinar, Dr. Sam Smith, Associate Professor at the University of Leeds, UK, will present on his team’s application of MOST in complex interventions in cancer control.

Apr 5, 2023  |  1pm – 2pm EST (This Event Has Passed)

From pilot to full trial: Strategies for conducting and managing a factorial study

Dr. J. Nick Dionne-Odom, Assistant Professor of Nursing at University of Alabama Birmingham, will present on strategies for conducting and managing a factorial optimization trial. Lessons are drawn from Dr. Dionne-Odom’s NCI funded project using MOST.

Mar 22, 2023  |  1pm – 2pm EST (This Event Has Passed)

Optimizing an evidence-based, disseminable, free internet-based parenting program

Dr. Michael Lorber, from the Family Translational Research Group at NYU, will present on his NICHD funded optimization study.

Mar 1, 2023  |  1pm – 2pm EST (This Event Has Passed)

Fighting COVID-19 using MOST: A factorial experiment to increase regular COVID testing among unvaccinated Black and Latino essential frontline workers

Dr. Marya Gwadz, Professor of Social Work at NYU, will present on a current and ongoing intervention optimization project.

Feb 15, 2023  |  1pm – 2pm EST (This Event Has Passed)

Mediation analysis on data from a factorial experiment

Dr. Jillian Strayhorn, postdoctoral associate at CADIO, will present.

Feb 1, 2023 | 1pm – 2pm EST (This Event Has Passed)

Introduction to MOST & cadio

Drs. Linda Collins (Director) and Kate Guastaferro (Associate Director) will give a brief overview of MOST and introduce the CADIO webinar series for Spring 2023

Webinar Videos

Watch past webinars on the CADIO NYU YouTube channel.

Introduction to MOST & CADIO

Mediation analysis on data from a factorial experiment

Fighting COVID-19 using MOST: A factorial experiment to increase regular testing…

Optimizing an evidence-based, disseminable, free, internet-based parenting program

From pilot to full trial: Strategies for conducting & managing a factorial study

Optimizing complex interventions in cancer control

The doctor is in!

Using MOST to optimize intervention implementation

Development and acceptability of m-oral health interventions for mothers…

Applying the MOST framework to develop a multi-component sleep intervention for children

MOST as an implementation-forward approach to intervention development

Factorial trials of internet CBT

Conclusion-priority vs. decision-priority thinking

Conclusion-priority vs. decision-priority thinking

Optimizing a chatbot to facilitate mental health services use in individuals with ED

Clearly MOST – Clearing up sources of confusion

Design dilemmas demystified – Application of MOST to a NIH-funded career development…

New recommendations for decision-making in MOST

Decision-making in MOST: Optimizing to support medication adherence

Further Learning

Whether you are looking for additional support as you prepare a grant proposal involving MOST or practical information helpful in managing your optimization trial, this section provides resources for a deeper dive into intervention optimization.

REDCap with Most

The goal of this manual is to show how one might setup a REDCap project to support a research study with multiple conditions, such as factorial experiments common in the Multiphase Optimization Strategy (MOST) framework.

Informal introduction to factorial experimental designs

The purpose of this page is to clarify some concepts, notation, and terminology related to factorial experimental designs, and to compare and contrast factorial experiments to randomized controlled trials (RCTs). A more in-depth introduction can...


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