Genevra Murray

Assistant Professor, Department of Public Health Policy and Management

Affiliate, Department of Anthropology
Affiliate, GCIS

Affiliation(s): School of Global Public Health; College of Arts & Science; New York University

Degree(s): PhD Anthropology

Research Interests: health care organizations, health care reform, primary care, social service integration, palliative care, safety net

Dr. Murray’s research and teaching focus on the organization and management of health care services. Her work examines the organizational dimensions of health care payment and delivery system reform and their impact on health disparities. Dr. Murray’s current projects include work focused on primary care delivery, with an emphasis on the health care safety net; the social determinants of health, particularly integration of social services and medical care; advance care planning and palliative care integration; and global health systems and governance, particularly related to sexual and reproductive health care. She uses a mix of research methods with particular expertise in the adaptation of longitudinal qualitative methods for health services research. Amongst other projects, Dr. Murray is using the MOST framework to optimize an intervention package to integrate social services and medical care. Dr. Murray publishes in leading journals such as Health Affairs, Milbank Quarterly, and Health Care Management Review.


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