Doris F. Chang

Associate Professor

Affiliation(s): Silver School of Social Work, New York University

Degree(s): PhD

Research Interests: Asian American/BIPOC mental health; race and racism; multicultural psychotherapy process and outcome research; culturally-adapted interventions; mindfulness/contemplative science

Dr. Chang is a licensed clinical psychologist and Associate Professor in the NYU Silver School of Social Work. Her research seeks to advance the well-being of BIPOC communities by understanding the processes that impact psychological health, identifying strategies for improving intergroup relationships, and developing culturally-grounded interventions that integrate mindfulness and other contemplative traditions. Her recent work examines Asian and Black Americans’ experiences of discrimination in the Covid-19 pandemic and the role of critical consciousness and cross-racial allyship in promoting more resilient coping. Her research has been profiled on ABC News, CNN, 20/20, NPR, and the New York Times.


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